Monday, January 19, 2015

Maybe you LEARN to look for the positives

Logi had his OT eval today.  He did not qualify the last time, and I had to wait a certain number of months, and I had to fight to get this eval today, and guess what, he did qualify.  now, Logi is a baby.  He does not know that he is taking a test and I have learned to remember that.  The OT asks him to do something and he either does it or not.  Some things he did last time, he refused this time.  Does the score reflect him all the time? No way.  It gets him some help which will be good for strengthening those fingers.  He has a lot of higher up skills but missing those finger skills.  That is fine.  He got a low score. Boo.  It will be written up. Boo.  He was busy dancing for the OT, hiding behind the curtain and jumping out, and giving Mommy kisses.  And he has pneumonia and the double ear infection.  so for all that, I was impressed by his happy disposition and charming self.  and that my friends, is finding the positive.  We all sick here, and it has been the longest 3 day weekend ever, but we love each other, and we find the happiness in that.

More to come... more services for my  bear, but more progress hopefully.  Now Landon is sick and he will accept any prayers.

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